
15th Annual Fred S. Grodins Graduate Research Symposium

where Biomedical Engineering graduate students of the University of Southern California
showcase their research

April 9th, 2011 at:
Marina Del Ray Hotel
Committee Members

Mischal Diasanta, Vijay Srinivawan, Man Nguyen, Dr. Norberto Grzywacz, Diana Sabogal, Samantha Cunningham,
Liviawati Sutjandra, Zhe "Harry" Su, and Arvind Iyer



Grodins Graduate Award:
Jay Mung

Platform First Place:
Devyani Nanduri – Predicting the Percepts of Electrical Stimulation in Retinal Prosthesis Subjects

Platform Runner-Up:
Jeremy Fishel – Development of a Testbed to Explore the Contributions that Force and Velocity Have on Sensed Vibrations in the BioTac

USC Stevens Institute "Most Innovative" Research Award:
First Place:Jay Mung – Real-time 3D Catheter Localization System Using Ultrasound
Runner Up: Jinhyoung Park – Wideband Linear Power Amplifier for High Frequency Coded Excitation

Poster Awards:

Biosystems and Signals
Manish Kurse – A First Rigorous Experimental Validation Of Biomechanical Models Of The Human Index Finger

Devices and Diagnostic Technology
Joseph Crew – Music Perception by Cochlear Implant Users
Chia-Hsien "Gary" Lin – Fabrication and Integration of Biomimetic Tactile Sensor Arrays with Force, Microvibration and Thermal Modalities 
Alexander Reyes – Wireless Multi-Channel Device to Capture Dynamics of Complex Sensorimotor Tasks
Zhe "Harry"Su – Spatial Feature Extraction for a Biomimetic Tactile Sensor

Matthew Borzage – Regional Assessment of BOLD Changes due to Hypoxia
Niharika Gajawelli – Segmentation of Brains with Cerebral Infracts using FreeSurfer
Sinchai Tsao – Differences in Appetite-Related Brain Activity with High and Low Caloric Food in Girls: A Pilot fMRI Study at 3 Tesla

Nadav Ivzan – Distribution of Retinal Responses to Natural Images: Contrast and Texture Dependence 
Boshuo Wang – Strength-Duration Relationship of Retinal Ganglion Cells
Andrew Weitz – Electrical Stimulation of Retinal Ganglion Cells: Effect of Interphase Gap Duration on Threshold


Published on November 13th, 2017Last updated on March 29th, 2021