Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering

The 28-32 unit M.S. in Biomedical Engineering degree (MSBME) is designed to be completed in two years or less of full-time study beyond the Bachelor of Science degree. A minimum of 28 units are required for this master's degree. Students in the program will complete 17 units of required courses and at least 11 units of technical elective units to meet the minimum unit requirement.

Master's Thesis (Optional): This degree program can be completed with a thesis, requiring 4 units of BME 594abz, or without a thesis, requiring coursework only. Master's thesis units are applied as technical elective credit towards the degree.


Program of Study

Requirements for graduation, course offerings, course availability, track offerings and any other degree requirements are subject to change. Students should consult with an academic advisor prior to registering for any classes.

Total Required Units: 28

1. Required 5 courses (17 units):

Complete 3 of the following courses:

  • BME 501 | Advanced Topics in Biomedical Systems (4 units)
  • BME 511 | Physiological Control Systems (4 units)
  • BME 533 | Seminar in Bioengineering (1 unit)

Complete 1 of 4 following courses:

  • BME 502 | Advanced Studies of the Nervous System (4 units) 
  • BME 506 | Bioengineering of Disease & Cell Therapeutics (4 units)
  • BME 510 | Cellular Systems Engineering (4 units)
  • BME 559 | Nanomedicine & Drug Delivery (4 units)
Complete 1 of 3 following courses:
  • BME 504 | Neuromuscular and Bio-Robotic Systems (4 units)
  • BME 513 | Signal & Systems Analysis (4 units)
  • BME 530 | Introduction to Systems Biology (4 units)
2. Select 1 track option or technical elective courses (11 units):
  • Courses must be approved by the BME Graduate Advisor
There is no comprehensive exam requirement.

Track and Technical Elective Course Recommendations

Approved Technical Electives

Published on February 1st, 2017Last updated on August 29th, 2024