ASBME wins Outstanding Student Organization Award

May 10, 2018

ASBME E-Board Photo/Holly Huber

Congratulations to the USC chapter of Associated Students of Biomedical Engineering (ASBME) who won the Outstanding Student Organization Award at the 2018 Viterbi Undergraduate Awards Ceremony on May 9.

The 2017-18 ASBME Executive Board includes Holly Huber, President; Luann Raposo, Vice President; Brianna Chang, Secretary; and Sohaib Naim, Treasurer.

ASBME functions as a bridge-builder between students, faculty, and industry. The club organizes on-campus presentations by alumni and industry speakers; enhances student life with fun social events like beach trips, movie nights, and barbecues; promotes real-world experience with their medical device design competition, the Makeathon; and promotes faculty-student-industry interactionwith events such as the annual BME Corporate Dinner.

Excellent job, ASBME! Bravo and Fight On!


Published on May 10th, 2018Last updated on April 8th, 2021